Tuesday 15 March 2016

Learning Resources for PPC Beginners

Since PPC puts a website or an ad way ahead of the organic search results, learning a thing or two on how to do it is a great addition to one’s knowledge. For beginners, PPC or pay-per- click is an online marketing strategy where advertisers get to pay their publishers for every time an ad is clicked online. This may sound simple yet there is still a lot to know about PPC.

To have a winning online campaign, one must do intensive research to select the right and most powerful keywords. Keywords are the core of your campaign. If you do not use keywords that are commonly used by online users, then do not expect increase traffic with your campaign. These keywords are then organized into campaigns or ad groups. Some of these are setup at PPC landing pages which are optimized to ensure conversions. Keyword research can be time-consuming. However, it is to be emphasized that powerful keywords means stronger PPC campaigns. Keywords should always be relevant, thorough, and could cover wide areas where online users commonly use.

What Google does is charge less to those ads and landing pages that have been very useful to online users. With this, you can earn promising profits for your business. This is the exact reason why you must understand how to use PPC.

To help you learn and build knowledge in using PPC, here are some free online resources about PPC advertising.

• Wordstream’s PPC University
PPC advertising is explained well and even those who do not have technical knowledge on terms used online can fully understand it. It has a general-specific discussion approach that makes it easier for any individual to have a full grasp on what is being discussed. You start off with the very basic down to the more complicated concepts and techniques. It is highly recommended not to finish all courses in a day. Give time for your brain to absorb everything before moving on the next lesson.Visit them at http://www.wordstream.com/learn#.

• Google AdWords Help Center
This is not an option on the list. One should really understand and read more about Google AdWords. If you are one working your ads with Google, you have to understand the structure of its PPC advertising. There are a number of relevant topics that discuss basic information about PPC to the more complicated ones. However, be reminded that you are reading about Google. Some information found here cannot be used to other search engines like Yahoo and Bing. Learning from Google AdWords prepares your ads to have good foundation using PPC advertising concepts. Follow this link for more information https://support.google.com/adwords/?hl=en&page=examstudy.cs&ctx=go#topic=3119071.

 • HubSpot’s PPC-related Blogs
Blogs are powerful and very informative. This blog centers on PPC advertising information that is practical and filled with helpful tips for your campaign. It gives emphasis on its infographics that are of big help to marketing professionals. The blog is also very easy to understand that you will end up persuaded that PPC is the best marketing strategy for your business. Check them out at http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/topic/ppc


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